Here comes the country’s most Prestigious Occasion…
A Curtain Raiser for the country’s 60th Year of Independence.Indian Independence Day on Wednesday, the 15th of August.
An Independence Day is an annual celebration commemorating the anniversary of a nation’s assumption of independent statehood, usually after ceasing to be a colony or part of another state.Most countries honour their respective independence day as a national holiday and some countries or nations’ independence-date honors are contested.
The Name INDIA:
INDIA, referred as Heaven of Earth is the seventh-largest country by geographical area, the second most populous country, and the most populous liberal democracy in the world.[8]The name India may refer to either the region of Greater India (the Indian subcontinent), or to the contemporary Republic of India contained therein.The term is derived from the name of the Indus River and has been in use in Greek since Plutarchus[1] (1st century AD). The term appears in Old English in the 9th century,and again in Modern English since the 17th century….
The Republic of India has three principal short names and ancient name Aryarvrath, in both official and popular English usage, each of which is historically significant.All are originally designated a single entity comprising all the modern nations of the Indian subcontinent.These names are India, Bharat, Hindustan and Aryarvrath (Those days Indians are called as Aryans as they belong to the land of Aryarvrath).
Will try to post the unknown events, facts and controversial facts in the upcoming posts instead of consolidation of happenings of 60 years. Hope this wont let to the big argument and debate...
To be Continued…
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Happy Independance Day!!
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