And yeah…My Blog had its 100th post today...And it’s so good to know.
I take time to look back at my experience so far on Bloggers.
When i started writing this Blog, I used to visit it everyday hoping that there are some comments for what I have written :-)
But I wasnt lucky as only few comments were written.Then I found the tool that counts the number of hits to my blog and I put it on my blog…Voila..
It worked great and I was happy to see the counter increasing everyday.
Though I write blogs for myself, it is a thrill to have some unknown person read it and comment on it. Only then I realized the importance of leaving comments on let know the person whose blog I read about what I felt after reading the blog.
Its very important that you take time to leave comments atleast to acknowledge the person whose words you read !
Perhaps it could help the person write better too !!!
At some point in time, blogging became an obsession and I had to work hard on instilling some discipline into my blogging activity, watching the time I spend on blogs.
Later on i forgot about the comments and post whatever i feel not expecting for the comments.
Day by Day blogging became one of my Hobby. Lots of lots of different experiences.
Sometimes i post something which i want to express it to a particular individual but not directly rather than thru my Blog.
Sometimes the disappointment on others. Happiness shared across and lots and lots…
Sometimes i see many of friends post purposely to attract others rather than for the real cause :-)
If at all one soul read the post and happy, that’s great joy rather than getting numerous comments just like that.
What matters to my Blog is it does not matter how many hits or comments we have on the blog.
It matters the number of lives it touches everyday.
Smiles we bring; happiness we spread
Positive impact our work has on individuals
People who we help move ahead in life
People who we inspire to achieve their dreams
Blogger has become an integral part of my life. It has given me a unique identity.
Happy blogging...
Congratulations, and yeah, Happy blogging.
gr888 going man...i like ur blog a lot...u hv variety in it...keep rocking...
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