Yeakssss. Yagnika got shocked about the bad dream she had and prayed god that nothing should happen to him. Is that the inner instinct warning her?She immediately called Aryan, ended up with the Voice message. She tried to call his friends to enquire but not reachable.
There in Minnesota, August 4, The Central Connecticut hospital…
The latenite patrol found Aryan on the Roadside and admitted in the hospital and informed his friends. Shankar rushed to see him unconscious in the bed where the group of doctors are discussing with each other.
Dr Pat: Are you Aryan’s friend?
shankar: Yah.This is Shankar here.
Dr Pat: Nothing serious. He just had blood clot in the skull and few fractures in leg. A minor operation will dissolve the blood clot. But he must be in monitoring atleast for 2 weeks.
Shankar: Tats fine doc. Shall we see him now.
Dr Pat: No dude. We are going to operate now. Probably you can see him tomorrow morning.
Shankar: TX doc.
The next day started with all sort of formalities. Aryan got up and saw all those band aids over his body like printer cartridges.
Shankar, Dinesh, Deepak, Sravanthi all stood there with the sarcastic smile.
Dinesh: Dude, what happened yesterday? Did you go behind any girl and stuck on the road.
~A: Hei common guys. Notin like tat.
Deepak: Else did you go for a Sky diving and fallen from the sky? Useless tell us the truth.
~A: Hei i was just on the way to Shankar’s home da.
Shankar: Tats fine buddy, but is my home is in the middle of the Road. What would you do if something happened serious? Just you got away with fractures.
~A: Okei chill out guys. And dinesh check out my pant da, I had a Gourmet Irish chocolate in that.
Dinesh: stop it man.
~A: Hei pls da. Just a bite.
Shankar: Btw. Whts your plan for Birthday man.
Deepak: Hei when is your Bday?
~A: It’s Aug 20. Forget about that da.
Shankar: Hei what happenned?. You will get lot of gifts.
~A: Give me the chocolate first man.
Dinesh: don’t change the topic. What happened to you? Do you feel that you won’t get discharged b4 that? Cool dude. For a change, we can celebrate this time in hospital. We will present you syringes, syrups, tablets. Might be we will steal the hi fi medical equipment and gift you.
~A: Okei…do whatever as you wish. Leave me.
Vikka: ok take rest, ciao later.Everyone started leaving the place…
~A: Shankar did I got any call.
Shankar: No man, mobile was crushed in the accident spot itself.
~A: Did any of my friends called you.
Shankar: You want to know whether Yagnika called you or not. Ask directly dude and havent received any call from her.
~A: not like that man. Actually we had some arguments yesterday and she just told me that she will never call me or see me anymore. So forget about that. That’s why I told you am not interested to celebrate this birthday.
Shankar: shall I call her da.
~A: No da. She never allows any mediator and I don’t want to tell her about this accident. She might feel guilty as because of her only this happened. So let the life go on its way.
Shankar: are you sure ?
~A: Yep. Aryan was recovering slowly. It was good time in hospital with all sort of fun with doctors and pantry guys.
August 13, 2 PM.
Shankar came with a parcel.
Aryan: Whats that dude? Any gift for me.
Shankar: Alaiyaadha. Of course it’s a gift from your sister Vidu.
Aryan: Unwrap and check out whats in that da.Before that shall we have a bet and the bet will be, if I won ‘you have to owe me 1 KG of candies’ else I will take you to the Nick Barron’s concert at Joe's Pub.
Shankar: You don’t know anything beyond candies. Ok fine.
Aryan: The gift will be a book. Since she knows my wish list and flavors.
Shankar: hmm lets see.. and it iss …you're right man.
Aryan: wow. Is it tinkle comicsssss…Sweet sister she is.
Shankar:Its not tinkle, it’s ”The greatness guide” from Robin Sharma.
Aryan: Oh ok. Anyways I heard that’s a nice book. Phone calls, meet ups and all happened on the eve of the birthday. Aryan’s inner mind woke up and asked “Will Yagnika call me atleast for the Birthday. Hope she will!!!”
It’s August 14, midnite 12 AM…
Suddenly lights had gone off. Flashy torches shoot up on walls.
There see Shankar, dino, Deepak, Alicia , the ward staff,
Dr pat.Dude…Many more Happy Returns of the day.And suddenly Candy rain started dizzling all thru his Bed.
Wowow..tx guys.
All sort of fun, birthday bumps happened well. His Dad, MUM, Sister, Niece, even the Pup barked him to wish.It was late nite and everyone was back to bed.
Aryan: Tx Shankar. You know one thing all these candies are Yagnika’s Favorite. She still shows her presence. I know though she wont call or meet me, she still wish me from there. I think so! I know she will come back one day.
Shankar: You had dream?
Aryan: Dream is not what you see in sleep , is the thing which does not let U sleep.
Am a guy and never cry, but still I feel the pain of losing my Best Friend!
Shankar: No philosophies. Forgot abt that. This is Ur day man. Have a blash.Ciao tmrw buddy. Gud nite.
Shankar turned back and moved to the front door. Auomatic door opened and he saw a known face standing outside.
Yagnika Strikes, back …
(It was Yagnika standing in front of the door, who came long way to US).
Mitt Gayi Dhooriyaan …
YAG: Hei donkey monkey password key. How come I forgot man. You will be my Best Friend forever. Friends are always friends and that too no one will forgot a Friend like you. Many more Happy Returns of the Day Dhandam.
and as per your wish, here is my first poem for you.

PS: Story concludes in next episode.
1 comment:
superb kavithai.......nice!
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