Once the college days got over, all your friends will be moved to different part of the world for the jobs, some get married and busy with life...When days and years passes, slowly we lose touch and cant maintain the contact vyth everyone. Only few of the Best friends will be in the bucket list of contacts.Later when you become more responsible person both in job and life, you'll be drawing your own circle and its tough to come out though you are trying to get away.Sometimes they are just not around when you need them...it is quite an unfortunate situation if you are not hooked yet... ;-)
I was infact in such a situation couple of times, for me i found my kinda friends a lot from college to office...And as i am a freak out kinda guy, i used to be there with friends always and never want to be alone...and being abroad it is more difficult to be in touch. I simply do not know what to do. I miss all my childhood friends, school friends, college friends. Forget to wish my friends on their birthdays, wedding anniversaries etc.
Some of you will feel that you have nobody to fall back on at your work place, although they may be sweet and nice, they would not take a stab in thier chest when there is a need to...I believe that I had such friends...the true ones, the special ones...but all of us have lost touch or have very little touch with one another...This will happen to your friends too and they might find difficult to contact you... This is where you should think practically...You shouldnt feel that they are ignoring you. They might have their own problems and concerns but they definitely have a place in their heart.Wait for them or forgot abt the ego and you take the initiative to make a call...It will hurt sometimes when there is no answer...Dont worry buddy, time will heal it...
So all can take the present situation as an opportunity to open up and meet new ppl in life and be happy with the old ppl whoever still bothers to be in touch with u till now.....
Have you guys ever faced such a thing...?
P.S: Make a wishlist of your friends and give a surprise call or visit them.
You are right, most of us will be in the same situation. And as you said, now i will make a list to call my friends. Tx Buddy.
I have faced lots of such situation, even the last week I had a fight with my friend who got married recently and settled in S'pore! But I feel the bond had strengthened more now!
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